Hi guys!!!!, if you're here is that you will go to Verdun or you are very clever and you want to know more things about this beautiful historic city.
First, the situation : Verdun is located in the North-East of France in the departement of Meuse.
Now, history!!!
Contrary to received wisdom, Verdun was not created in 1916, it's a really really really old city. It's in this city where the treaty was signedAt all times, Verdun was a city to protect, because it has many fortifications.
Not many people know that I will tell you now: chuuuut...
In 1916, many many soldiers were burried alive by the explosion of an obus. Only their bayonets were outside of the ground. Now this site is a war memorial thanks to a banker named Georges T. Rand who donated 500 000 FRF.
we can still see their bayonets.
Now I've just done for you a comparison of Verdun yesterday .

And Verdun now

I just hope that this article was interesting for you and helped you to learn many things about Verdun.
attirant mais attention à rester avec les même typographies pour qu'il y ait une unité dans ton paragraphe, la c'est trop 'fouillis' (trop d'informations visuelles)
RépondreSupprimerif you are HERE (ici) pas there (là bas)
your very clever?? = you are ...
the city where the treaty was signed (construction de phrase)
'For time immemorial'??? à relire!
not MANY people = come ON
thanks To a banker
I Have just DONE!!
pas verdun 'actually' = verdun Now
we can Still see
'interesting for you and helpeD you'
other articles (sans S car adj)
travail sérieux mais trop d'erreurs...