jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Trip to verdun guided by Charlotte R.

Hi guys!!!!, if you're here is that you will go to Verdun or you are very clever and you want to know more things about this beautiful historic city.
First, the situation : Verdun is located in the North-East of France in the departement of Meuse.

Now, history!!!

Contrary to received wisdom, Verdun was not created in 1916, it's a really really really old city. It's in this city where the treaty was signed
At all times, Verdun was a city to protect, because it has many fortifications.

Not many  people know that I will tell you now: chuuuut...

In 1916, many many soldiers were burried alive by the explosion of an obus. Only their bayonets were outside of the ground. Now this site is a war memorial thanks to a banker named Georges T. Rand who donated 500 000 FRF.
we can still see  their bayonets.
File:Tranchée des Baïonnettes - Reste de fusil.JPG
Now I've just done for you a comparison of Verdun yesterday .Une histoire ancienne

And Verdun now

I just hope that this article was interesting for you and helped you to learn many things about Verdun.

Have a good day!!!!!! See you tomorrow for others article!!

1 commentaire:

  1. attirant mais attention à rester avec les même typographies pour qu'il y ait une unité dans ton paragraphe, la c'est trop 'fouillis' (trop d'informations visuelles)
    if you are HERE (ici) pas there (là bas)
    your very clever?? = you are ...
    the city where the treaty was signed (construction de phrase)
    'For time immemorial'??? à relire!
    not MANY people = come ON
    thanks To a banker
    I Have just DONE!!
    pas verdun 'actually' = verdun Now
    we can Still see
    'interesting for you and helpeD you'
    other articles (sans S car adj)
    travail sérieux mais trop d'erreurs...
