jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Go to Verdun, by Victor de Chaisemartin

Go To Verdun

Combe Puisant Family - 1915

Charlemagne statue - Verdun Victory monument
Go to Verdun!!!! It is one of the places you must visit when you go to France. You may be asking why? Well, Verdun is a town full of history. It is located in Lorraine, a region at the northern-eastern border with Germany. When I say Verdun, you might think: "Oh yeah, it is a famous battle of the first world war where the french won against the German." Yes, it is true, but it is so much more. It is also where the battle of Verdun took place in 1792 between the french revolutionary forces and the prussian army. And that's not all, it is also the battlefield of another battle in 1819, as it has always been a strategic path between France and Germany. This why at Verdun lay thousands of french and german soldiers in many cemeteries. You will discover the statue of Charlemagne at the summit of the Verdun's victory monument, the "voie sacrée" memorial, and many other monuments.
In 1916 my great-grand uncle from Grenoble, was part of the Batalions of Chasseurs Alpins and he fought and died in Verdun. As many French middle school students, this trip will be an opportunity to learn more about our ancestors who came here and died, in this very nice and peaceful city with long canals. 
Now you know why that there is one thing to do...

1 commentaire:

  1. bonne présentation et bonnes images où sont les sources? (images et texte?)
    the French, French army, Prussian, French high school= majuscule!!
    high school = c'est lycée pas collège (secondary school)
    assez vendeur + commentaire personnel c'est bien!!
