jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Go to Verdun by guillaume


It's the best year to go to Verdun


Verdun is an historic city next to the Meuse. This city was consolidated many times to
resist to attack. Near Verdun, there was an important battle, during the 1st World War, for 10 months, where 2,5 million of french soldiers fought. The germain army bombed this cities.


Now, it's an normaly city with his public transport(subway, bus ... ), modern houses, cars...But there are some historic monuments. This year Verdun celebrates the 100 anniversary of the battle, also you will be able to assist to différents events (historical reconstruction).


Have a nice visit! 

1 commentaire:

  1. article attirant, bien construit, bonnes images mais il manque les sources!!
    French soldiers ... the German (sans i) (+ majuscule aux nationalités)
    this sity ou these cities (au pluriel)
    'an normaly city'???? a normal city
    'différents' come ON!!!
    intéressant mais pas relu ;(
